(Brief History Lesson)
Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “yui” meaning yoke or bind and is also interpreted to mean “union” or a method of discipline. Yoga is essentially a collection of mental, physical and spiritual practices also referred to as disciplines. Over 2,000 years ago, an ancient Indian sage, Patanjali, organized the collection of statements called “Yoga Sutra”. The Sutra serves as the guidebook for most of the yoga practiced today. While you may have heard of some of the several different varieties of yoga available – hot, prenatal, restorative, Kundalini, Vinyasa, power yoga… all come from the “Eight Limbs of Yoga“.
- Yamas (restraint)
- Niymamas (observances)
- Asana (postures)
- Pranayana (breathing)
- Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses)
- Dharana (concentration)
- Dhyani (meditation)
- Samadhi (absorption)
Through the eight limbs of yoga, we refine our behavior in the outer world and focus inwardly until you reach “Samadhi” which means liberation and enlightenment.
I have always found yoga to be personally beneficial. My journey with yoga began over twenty years ago when I was still a teenager and has since remained the cornerstone of my workout routine. The most appealing aspect of yoga to me is it’s an all-inclusive workout for the mind~body~spirit. Since you are only lifting your own body weight – versus heavy weights at the gym – I find that yoga keeps me long and lean without all the wear and tear to my joints and muscles that usually accompany more aggressive forms of workout like CrossFit or boot camps. Yoga calms my mind, relieves my anxious nature and instills a sense of focus and wellbeing.
Benefits of Yoga
- Enhanced focus and mental clarity
- Aids in digestion
- Increased arm strength
- Increased lung capacity
- Increased metabolism
- Increases libido
- 35% increase in flexibility after only 8 weeks
- Decreases chance of heart disease
- Establishes enhanced peace of mind
- Slower breath rate
- Reduces stress
- Better posture
- Decreased lactic acid in the joints and decreased joint pain
- Benefits the body and mind equally to promote calm
- Increased blood circulation
- Enhanced fat loss
- Improved sense of balance
- Enhanced muscle strength and tone
- Aligns skin, muscles and bones
- Opens channels of the body (namely the spine) allowing energy to flow freely.
Literally anyone can do yoga regardless of age, weight or physical condition. Another added benefit is that since the only essential equipment is your body and a mat, you can do yoga virtually anywhere! In your office, the beach, mountain or your bedroom floor, with yoga, the benefits are endless and the only limits are the ones in your own mind.
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