The leaves are changing…the morning air is crisp…the days are shorter…the nights are longer…there is pumpkin spice EVERYTHING out right now… Its Fall, Y’all!
We make many lifestyle adjustments as the weather turns cooler. You change out your sundresses and shorts for sweaters and boots. We change our meal planning from light Summer salads to hearty, warming soups and stews. With all these seasonal adjustments, do not forget to also adjust your skin care accordingly.

The colder months can be especially brutal to the skin, as we are trading the Summer’s heat and humidity for Winter’s biting wind and cold. These changes can cause the skin to feel, chapped, dry, flaky, and tight. Eczema and psoriasis flare ups are more common too. This is caused by the decrease in temperature and humidity, harsh, windy conditions, as well as dry and irritated from indoor heating.
Tips for Winterizing Your Skin Care

- Opt for a richer moisturizer to protect and condition your skin.
- Keep wearing your SPF! The sun’s rays are still damaging regardless of the temperature outside.
- Exfoliate twice a week with a gentle facial scrub or peel.
- Use a hydrating, healing masque weekly to restore moisture and calm sensitized skin.
- Trade the pore-clogging, petroleum jelly for a skin-loving facial oil. Facial oils are formulated to be light enough not to clog pores, yet rich enough to create a barrier that locks in moisture, while protecting your skin from the elements.
- Stay hydrated. Help keep your skin hydrated from the inside out by drinking plenty of water.
- Keep the heat in the car on the floor. Heat rises, so keep the heat vents in the car on your feet instead of your face. That hot, dry air is damaging and drying for your skin and sinuses.
- Be mindful of what you are feeding your skin and body. Those pumpkin lattes and peppermint mochas are so tempting! While its ok to indulge in the random treat, all the sugar and dairy is not doing our skin any favors. A nice hot cup of herbal tea is healthy, warming, and helpful in detoxing our systems from all our other holiday indulgences!
- Refrain from using products with alcohol or other harsh ingredients that can strip the skin of its natural protection from the elements.
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