Check your current products for these hazardous ingredients! The following ingredients listed are known carcinogens, skin irritants and endocrine disruptors. An endocrine disruptor interferes with your body’s reproductive system by synthetically altering hormone functions and levels. The results of this can be reduced fertility, increased birth defects, impaired immune function, developmental disorders and various reproductive cancers.

- Polyethylene Glycol – a thickening agent and solvent commonly found in cosmetics such as sunscreens and creams. Similar chemical makeup as antifreeze. A known carcinogen that has been linked to incidences of breast and uterine cancers.
- Toluene – Commonly found in hair dyes and nail polishes. Causes damage to the central nervous system and immune systems upon inhalation and absorption. Also linked to developmental problems such as birth defects.
- Sodium Lauryl Sulfate / Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS/ SLES) – Common surfactants added to shampoo, body wash and bubble baths that acts as a lathering agent. Triggers allergic reactions and is an irritant of the skin and eyes. Is known to promote genetic cell mutations.
- Benzophenone – commonly found in nail polishes and sunscreens. Linked to cancer and is a known endocrine disruptor.
- Hydroquinone – a lightening agent found in products to correct acne scarring, hyperpigmentation and age spots. Banned in most countries as it is a well-known skin irritant that is known to cause cancer as well as organ toxicity.
- Formaldehyde – a common preservative found in cosmetics and body products. Another well-known carcinogen that has also been known to cause headaches, allergies, asthma, developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity.
- Butoxyethanol – a fragrance or solvent added to perfumes and hair color. Causes severe reactions to the skin and respiratory tract and is also a carcinogen.
- Resorcinol – common color and fragrance ingredient known to cause skin irritations, alter the immune system and disrupt organ function.
- Parabens (Propyl, Isobutyl, Methyl) – ingredient added to products to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. Also known to disrupt the endocrine system, alter hormone processes and cause breast cancer.
- Aluminum – the ingredient in deodorants and antiperspirants that prevents the skin from sweating. A known neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease.

European governments have banned 1222 times as many toxic cosmetic ingredients than the United States. The FDA does not regulate the cosmetics companies and have not reviewed the science or studies behind these findings in over thirty years! It is ultimately up to us to be informed consumers. Read your labels. Buy natural products free of these harsh chemicals and preservatives.
[…] Harmful Chemical Ingredients to Avoid in Sunscreen and Body Care Dying to Be Pretty: 10 Deadly Skincare Ingredients […]